There are many exciting and relevant events that are conducted throughout the year to facilitate the needs of our men, women, and their families. In addition to these ministries, we conduct many outreach programs throughout the year.
We have a flourishing
Additionally, under the umbrella of our women’s ministry, M.O.D.E.L., we have a special mentoring program for our girls entitled "The Princess Paradigm." This program has ministered, trained, and motivated girls in many areas including self-esteem, hygiene, etiquette, and goal fulfillment.
Our children and youth are excited about church!
Children’s & Youth Empowerment
which meets several times a month and conducts periodic special events, activities and times of teaching. Children’s Ministry for ages 6 – 12 years old and Youth Ministry for ages 13 – 16 years old is available most Sundays during our Worship Service.Additionally, under the umbrella of our women’s ministry, M.O.D.E.L., we have a special mentoring program for our girls entitled "The Princess Paradigm." This program has ministered, trained, and motivated girls in many areas including self-esteem, hygiene, etiquette, and goal fulfillment.
Our children and youth are excited about church!

Women's Empowerment,
M.O.D.E.L. (Mentoring Our Daughters & Equipping Ladies) also meets periodically throughout the year for fellowship, special events, and functions.

Men's Empowerment,
The M.O.D.D. (Men of Destiny & Dominion) Squad meets periodically throughout the year for fellowship, special events, and functions.

Worship Arts Ministry
is exciting. Using drama, dance, music and mime as tools, we are bringing the gospel of the Kingdom to life in a way that this generation both enjoys and readily embraces.

Prayer Ministry
has been in full force since 2000 (prior to even the churches inception). Everyday we meet on a prayer conference line for daily prayer. You may submit prayer requests to Visit our Prayer Page on this site for more information about this dynamic ministry!