National Back to Church Season
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National Back to Church Season

September 15 @ 10:00 am - December 29 @ 12:00 pm

There’s a storm coming and you’d better take shelter before it’s too late.

This is not a clickbait message nor is it a fear-producing, manipulative tactic to scare people in line. The true prophets were correct when they warned us about the impending judgment coming in 2020 – then the pandemic happened. Heaven always releases warnings so that God’s people can prepare for impending danger. Now is not the time for us to be apart but we must come together.  

The Bible has even admonished us “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

You can see the warnings in the weather, news, and just everyday life. Will you be ready for this next storm? Are you connected to a house – a people – a pastor – a movement that will not only help you survive but thrive in whatever is next on the horizon?

We believe that there is a tugging in many believers who have distanced themselves from the house of God to get reconnected. If that’s you, and you know it’s time for you to get back into “the place of grace” – God’s house – we want to invite you to what we are calling “Back to Church Season” which starts on Back to Church Sunday, September 15, 2024, and continues every Sunday afterward.

Listen, God is looking for His people to stand up and stand out and take care of His business as He commanded before He returns. (Luke 19:13) If you’re not taking care of His business… If you’re not following His instructions… If you’re not even getting His instructions…then make no mistake about it, you will be caught in the storm. 

We invite you to join us so that you can stay covered:

Empowered People Church (A Ministry of Kingdom Church Intl. Ministries)

@ The Empowerment Center

202 Forest Blvd., Park Forest, IL
(The Old Chase Bank – Across from the police station.)
For more information email or call 708-252-DOIT.

Focusing on the things that matter,
Pastor Kisia L. Coleman
Prophet/Dr. D. John Coleman, Pastor-President

P.S. We’ve got an umbrella for you. When you come ask us for it! 



September 15 @ 10:00 am
December 29 @ 12:00 pm


202 Forest Blvd., Park Forest, IL  60466